School Function


World Environment day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. The science department of JSS public school BSK II stage Bengaluru celebrated environment day with great enthusiasm and fervor in the school auditorium on June 8th 2024.

Our beloved Principal Smt. Gowri.B. Nataraja madam presided over the function.

This year’s world environment day focused on land restoration desertification and drought resilience. A beautiful stage was set up by students of 9th and 10th. The programme began with an invocation by the choir group.

Hema and Sathvik of X standard compered the programme

Anjali. R Warrior of X standard welcomed the gathering. Students of VI standard presented saplings to principal madam to mark the occasion which was planted in the school garden.

Kushal.S of X standard spoke about the significance of the day

Nature has its own music and own song if only we have time to listen and heart to understand. Anujna and group rendered a beautiful song on nature.It was followed by a nature dance from   Anushka and group. It was a beautiful performance portraying the beauty of 5 elements of nature Later, Principal Madam addressed the gathering emphasizing the crucial role of environment and the need for conservation.The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Aaruni of VIII standard.

On the occasion of world environment day activities such as essay writing, poster making, drawing and coloring, collage making were conducted for various classes. Active involvement of students made the occasion really meaningful and memorable.

Report on Republic Day Celebration 2022-23

Republic day is celebrated in India to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India, and the country’s transition to a republic which came into effect on 26th January 1950. In schools, students actively get to know about the country’s political history and the freedom struggle as they participate in the celebrations. JSS PUBLIC SCHOOL was no exception, displaying a simple yet an exhilarating show. The program breezed off with flag-hoisting by our Principal Shrimati Gowri.B.Nataraja. The show began with march past by the tiny tots of kindergarten children that culminated an aura of nationality in the minds of students. Children from grade 2 had dressed up as national leaders displaying a splendid sight. Patriotic songs sung by the school choir group added fuel to the fire, displaying a nationalistic fervor. Few students from grade 8 had rendered the significance of the day. Principal Madam in her speech as the chief guest highlighted the need for taking care of the constitution as a vehicle of life and the spirit being the spirit of life. The program ended with National Anthem.


Children are the world’s most valuable resources and the best hope for the future.

Children’s day is celebrated every year on 14th November in the memory of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, on his birthday. The purpose of Children’s Day Celebration is to lay emphasis on the foundation to the future if India – its children.

The celebrations at JSS Public School were exuberant. The cultural events began with welcome speech by Mrs. .Swarna Phaniraj followed by significance of the day by Mrs. Bharathi .Other entertaining programmes like group dance ,songs  and skit by the teachers were all enjoyed by the children .It was overall a fun filled day for the children.

MUSIC DAY CELEBRATION(2022-23) 21ST JUNE 2022 Tuesday

International Music day was celebrated on 21-06-2023 with great pomp and show under the guidance of Principal, Mrs. Gowri Nataraja and went on for an hour where the school choir group  presented many songs in different ragas .

Students of class 10 took part in band music and Instrumental music was played by

Arana of class 6. Staff and the music teacher participated actively in the event.

Report on Gandhi Jayanti celebration ( 022)

Gandhi Jayanti is a national festival celebrated in India to mark the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who was born on 2nd October 1869. He is famously known as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma means “Great Soul”. He was a great leader of the Indian Independence Movement. This day is also observed as International Day of Non-violence.

To mark the 153rd birth anniversary of the man who spun the wheel of fortune and to instil in its students the values he believed in strongly, JSS Public school celebrated such a ceremonial occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi  on 2nd October 2022, Sunday.

Significance of the day to inculcate the values in children was done by  Nihal  from 10th grade. Bhajanas were sung by students and teachers like

“ VaishnavJanto” and “Raghupati Raghav Rajaram” etc.

The programme was ended by thanking all on the token of gratitude by Shama from 10th grade.


The International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June  2023 to bring peace, harmony, happiness and success to every soul in the world. This was a great opportunity to imbibe the value of discipline. Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual practice that needs to be carried every day. This year’s yoga day celebration was held with great enthusiasm at JSS PUBLIC SCHOOL,BSK II STAGE,B’LORE-70.


Children got the chance to know how yoga embodies unity of mind and body. Various asanas were followed by Omkar chanting. Warm-up exercises, sitting and standing asanas were performed by the  students  with yoga teacher Mrs. Krishnaveni, PT Sir Mr. Chandrashekar under the able guidance of our beloved principal Mrs. Gowri B Nataraja. Different yoga postures like Vrikshasana, Uttaanaasana, Trikonaasana, Bhadrasana, Shashankaasana, Bhujangasana, Pawana Muktaasana, finally ended with Pranayama the breathing exercise. Children and the staff took the Yoga Pledge.Prayers were recited before and after the programme.

Heartfelt thanks to our Deputy Director ,JSS MAHAVIDYAPEETHA ,Mysuru Mr.Ashok Palya for being a part of the the International Yoga Day. The school is also thankful to CBSE for initiating this under them, and also for inculcating Yoga as a part of the syllabus.

संस्कृ तसप्ताहः 17/08/2022 (Wednesday)

विश्वस्य प्राचीनतमासु भाषासु अन्यतमा अस्स्त संस्ृतम्। अस्यााः भाषायााः वनवमत्तं  प्रवतिषषवमि िषेऽस्स्मन्नवि अस्माकं जेएस्एस्विद्यालयेऽवि संस्ृतोत्सिाः आचरितम्ससंभ्रमेण । श्रािण-ृष्ण षष्ठी वतथौ बुधिासिे (१७।८।२२) बनशंकिीस्थ जेएस् एस् विद्यालये संस्ृतसप्ताहमुद्दिश्य संस्ृतोत्सिाः ृताः।

कायषक्रमेऽस्स्मन्मुख्य अभ्यागतरूिेण समाहत ूाः आसीत्‘जज आि्जशक्षण संस्थायााः’ संस्ृत-उिन्यासकाः ‘विद्वान् सुविचाि महोदयाः’। साः स्ि भाषणेएिं अिदत्- ‘संस्ृतम् अमृततुल्या भाषा ितषतेअताः इयम्अमृतभाषा नतुमृतभाषा। संस्ृवतसंस्काि ाः भूयीष्ठा इयं भाषाणां भाषा अस्स्त। अवि च भाितीय सनातन संस्ृवताः संस्ृताजश्रता’ इवत िेद, भगिद्गीता, उिवनषत्आद्ददवभाः िचोवभाः प्रवतिाद्ददतिान्।

कायषक्रमेऽस्स्मन्विद्यालयस्य संस्ृतजशक्षकाः प्रास्तािनम्अकिोत्। विद्यालयस्य छात्ााःभाषण- लघुप्रहसनम्, विज्ञािना, गीतनृत्याद्ददवभाः उिस्स्थतान् तोवषतिन्ताः। विद्यालयस्य प्रांशिुावलका कायषक्रमस्यास्य आध्यक्षिदिीम् आरुह्य छात्ान् बोवधतिती ‘संस्ृतम् अतीि सिला-सुलभा, अवि च संस्ृताध्ययनेन बुवधाः तीक्ष्णा भिवत’ इवत उक्तिती। निमी कक्षायााः आद्ददत्याः, अवनरुधश्च कायषक्रमस्य वनिषहणम्, सञ्जीिाः स्िागतम्, सुिवभाः धन्यिादसमिषणम्च  अकिोत्। अन्तेशास्न्तमन्त्ेण साकं कायषक्रमाः सुसम्िन्नाः।

On the occasion 108th  Swamiji Jayanthi, program was conducted in the presence of

Mr Lola Kumar ,Co-ordinator, JSSTICE who  advised the students to  follow the values in life.

Sir Lola Kumar handed over the prizes to scouts and guides and also CASH PRIZE to CHRD,GK EXAM winners.


The department of Science JSS PUBLIC SCHOOL BSK II STAGE Bangalore celebrated National science day on 28th  Wednesday February 2024 to mark the discovery of Raman effect, a phenomenon in spectroscopy by the Indian physicist C V Raman.

National science day aims at encouraging and recognizing outstanding efforts in the area of science of technology and inculcating scientific temper.

The event started by invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesha by the school choir group.

Smt. Gowri. B. Nataraj, our beloved Principal presided over the function.

Anagha and Sandeep of VIII D welcomed the gathering.

Anvay Varna of class VIII C spoke about the significance of the day

The theme for this year is Indigenous Technologies for Vikasit Bharat.

Students of class IV presented a spectacular show about Scientist and their contribution to society.

The function concluded with a speech by our principal madam. She emphasized the need to develop scientific temper and inquisitiveness among students and ensured that science continues to play a vital role in shaping students future.

Sanskrit Day was Celebration on 08-09-2023 students performed classical dance, speech on

Bhagavad Gita Sanskrit warriors .

Mrs Gowri B Nataraj, Principal JSS Public School ,BSK ,Bangalore spoke about the important of the Sanskrit Language which is the Devanagiri  Basha, which is the pride for all values of life.

Investiture Ceremony(2023-24)

An investiture ceremony was conducted with great enthusiasm on 28th June 2023 to appoint the student council for the academic year. The event took place in the school premises and was attended by students, teachers, and esteemed guests. The chief guest for the ceremony was Mr. Manjunath K D, a dedicated public servant working as PSI at Girinagar, Bengaluru.

The ceremony began with the school band playing a melodious tune, creating an aura of excitement and anticipation among the audience. The principal of the school, Mrs. Gowri Nataraja commenced the guard of honour by Guest and principal madam Mr. Manjunath K D was invited to address the gathering. He delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the importance of leadership, discipline, and responsibility in shaping a better society. His words resonated with the students, encouraging them to embrace their roles as future leaders. After the address, the new student council members were called upon the stage to take the oath of office.

The head boy and head girl received their badges and sashes from Mr. Manjunath K D, symbolizing their authority and responsibility. The rest of the council members were also presented with their respective badges.

The investiture ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Nanditha who expressed gratitude to Mr. Manjunath K D for his presence and motivating words. The event instilled a sense of pride and enthusiasm among the newly appointed council members, as they vowed to uphold the values and principles of the school. The programme continued with opening ceremony of various subjects clubs like literary club ‘Spectrum’, Art club ‘Kuncha’, kannada club Sahitha Sangam and so on.


The Indian government declared 22 December to be celebrated as National Mathematics Day every year to mark the birth anniversary of the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. It was introduced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 26 December 2011 at Madras University, to mark the 125th birth anniversary of the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. On this occasion, Prime minister Manmohan Singh also announced that 2012 would be celebrated as the National Mathematics Year.

Since then, India’s National Mathematics Day is celebrated on 22 December every year with numerous educational events held at schools and universities throughout the country. In 2017, the day’s significance was enhanced by the opening of the Ramanujan Math Park in Kuppam, in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.

In JSS Public School, Banashankari, Bangalore-70 National Mathematics Day was celebrated on 21st  December, Thursday 2023 at the auditorium located at the school premises. Our school Principal Mrs. Gowri Nataraja madam arrived along with our chief guest Dr.Thulasi Mudakavi Madam, former assistant professor, at Ramaiah College of Art, Science and Commerce.

The small gathering with minimum staff members and students of class 9th and 10th witnessed the program that began with the lighting of the lamp by our school Principal Mrs. Gowri B Nataraja, chief guest Dr.Thulasi Mudakavi Madam, vice Principal Mrs. Latha G, and mathematics department staff followed by invocation song by choir group. Nithya and Harshitha of class 9th were there on dias to compare the entire program.  Manyu Y from class 8th D gave a warm welcome to everyone gathered. The significance of the day was proposed by Anvitha S Rao of 9th B. Laksh J of 9th B proposed guest introduction.

Our chief guest Dr.Thulasi Mudakavi madam gave a talk about importance of National Mathematics Day and explained few concept of mathematics. She also explained about magic square, Ramanujan’s contributions such as Pi, Infinite series, Laplace equation, his favorite number, Number theory and Mathematical.

Class 1 students enlighted the gathering with the display of Mathematicians and demonstration of their contribution in the field of mathematics. It was wonderful. Niveditha and team of 9th  standard  presented the song of  about mathematics. It was indeed melodious. Anushka and team  of grade 8th and Souparnika and team of grade 9th gave a spectacular dance performance which included geometry, shape making, symmetry, reflection, rotation, patterns, tessellations and conting of beats. Prajwal and team of grade 9th delighted the audience with the drama related to success story of Srinivasa Ramanujan.

Our beloved Principal Mrs. Gowri B Nataraja madam addressed the gathering by sharing her views on Mathematics in day-to-day life and she was excited to learn more about magic square and motivated students by her positive words. She further reiterated all the teachers of Mathematics department to make the Mathematics more interesting by adopting innovative methods of teaching. Both the teaching faculty as well as the parent community was over-whelmed by the well-knit programs that was presented by the students. However the programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Adarsh of class 8th.


Kannada Rajyotsava is the day which celebrates Karnataka Ekikarana – the unification of all the Kannada language-speaking regions of south western India to form the state of Karnataka. It is celebrated on 1st of November every year.

The Kannada Rajyotsava day is celebrated majestically all across the state of Karnataka and by Kannadigas across the world. JSS Public School, BSK II stage reflected in it the very same celebration.

The event started with Invocation followed by welcome speech which was inaugurated by Principal .Followed by cultural events like Street Play ,Group Dance and Group song  which evoke the patriotism in the students.


“Freedom consists not in doing what we like but in having the right to do what we ought”

On 15th August 1947, India got its, Independence from the British rule and freed itself from the shackles of colonialism.  Today, our mind is without fear and our heads are held high up in the sky. We have also rejuvenated our Nation and have brought India back with a revolution Hence in all the places, people celebrate Independence Day on 15 August” with great pomp and joy. On that day the sense of happiness and pride could be clearly seen on the faces of all the people as India was celebrating its 77th year independence day celebration.

The scene in J.S.S Public school was no less different as the students and teachers had left no stones unturned in marking a wonderful Independence DayCelebration that would be etched in the memory of everyone present there. The venue was well illuminated with wonderful paraphernalia depicting India’s national treasures.Everyone was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Chief Guest  Mr.Shekar B V and Mrs. Aishwarya K N

With their arrival, the children had enthralled the audience with a scintillating parade, and the Chief Guest took the guard of the honor-The flag was hoistedand the National Anthem was melodiously rendered. It was then the time for rendering the invocation song which was bliss for many people’s ears. The Welcome speech, welcoming the chief guest mellifluously delivered. The children of Grade 7 had wonderfully performed the brisk mass drill highlighting the importance ofphysical fitness. The significance of this  day was well highlighted in English. The crowd puller of the show – children performing on the lezium was a cut above the rest , very well executed by children of grade 8. The dancers had gracefullytitled their organs to a wonderful piece hogging everybody’s attention. Exercising on the hoops and the dumbbells was well executedby children of grade 7 and was a treat to be watched. A melancholic melancholy was sung by the choir group.

A motivational speech was delivered by the  guest. The curtains were to be down with a vote of thanks and national anthem. It was indeed a red letter day in the annals of JSS Public School.


“Speaking in Hindi is nothing to be ashamed of. Let us speak in Hindi and promote our language”

Hindi Diwas 2023 is celebrated on September 14 in all the Hindi-speaking regions across India. This day holds special significance as it marks the adaptation of Hindi as one of the official languages by the Constituent Assembly in the year 1949.This day is marked with speeches, poem recitation, narrating jokes and enacting drama—with a message.

JSS PUBLIC SCHOOL is no exception as the day was celebrated in a simple yet lively way filled with gaiet. Exactly at 11 am the Chief Guest (Esteemed Principal Madam) had marked her presence with Ms. Dhanvika Reddy of class 9 had invoked the blessings of the Almighty with a melodious melody. Ms.Bindu Rani of class 10 had kindled the desire of a connoisseur (reciting an anmol ratna in Hindi). Her compering was out of the mark blowing everybody’s mind. Classes 9 and 10 had the audience at their edge of the seats with meaningful, soul-searching dramas conveying the much wanted message about the negative impact of the usage of technological devices. Classes 8 and 9 had danced their way emerging as dancing beauties keeping the viewers enthralled. The chief guest held everyone spellbound with her crisp sweet talk. It was indeed a memorable, invigorative diwas that each one cherished.